Greetings, hi, hello.

Welcome to my site. This is where I showcase my work and write about this thing called life. Enjoy!

Feeling festive.


Last night we celebrated my dear friend Andrew's birthday. I got to try the new 7-11 private label Game Day Light beer. It tasted like light beer. In addition to sampling 7-11's finest swill, I got a little Martha Stewart yesterday. I whipped up some guacamole, baked some tortilla chips and made pineapple salsa in a pineapple bowl.

I got recipe for the pineapple salsa off Food Mayhem. I discovered Food Mayhem sometime awhile back and actually ended up working with Lon, the husband half of the blogging couple. This was the first recipe I tried off their site, mainly because it seemed so easy to throw together. Final verdict: liked this recipe, didn't love it but I liked it. I thought it made for a pretty show piece but something about the flavors didn't seem cohesive enough even after sitting in the fridge for a bit. In any event, photographic evidence below.

Pizza pizza.

The witching hour.