Greetings, hi, hello.

Welcome to my site. This is where I showcase my work and write about this thing called life. Enjoy!

Fall adventures - 2012 edition.

Fall adventures - 2012 edition.

Lots of moving and shaking these days. I suppose that's nothing new. Long gone are the days of leisurely kitchen experimenting and long workouts. Here to stay is a life on the go bouncing between cities and states. I'm hardly complaining -- I function best when I have a full plate. This is what my life looks like lately. Pictured above: Holmdel Park - Holmdel, NJ.


Pictured above: Jersey Shore Subs - Keyport, NJ; birthday beer (not mine) enjoyment - Queens, NY (beers from Beer Street in Brooklyn); Battery Gunnison - Sandy Hook, NJ;  foliage - Brooklyn, NY; SI Chuck - Staten Island, NY.

Until we meet again.

On the agenda.

International day of the girl.